Private Physiotherapy London | Private Physiotherapists London
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Private Physiotherapy

Private Physiotherapy at Flawless Physio

Our Private Physiotherapy appointments are designed to provide expert-level care in a professional environment. If you are in pain, have an injury, or have reduced movement, then a private Physiotherapy consultation will likely help. Our clinicians are highly trained and dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

Firstly, your therapist will discuss with you your current symptoms and the circumstances through which they developed. This allows them to understand thoroughly how your symptoms affect you and will enable them to consider your treatment options to develop the best plan for you.

This is followed by a physical assessment to examine your movement patterns, strength, and mobility. They will ask you to demonstrate a task or sport-specific movements when relevant.

Drawing together all of the information gathered from your assessment, your therapist will explain your diagnosis and the best treatment options for you. You will receive treatment within this appointment, along with specific advice and exercises. Videos of how to do these exercises will be emailed to you, acting as a reference point so you don’t have to worry about forgetting any details.


Private Physiotherapy London

What forms of treatment are offered in a Private Physiotherapy Appointment?

Our therapists have an array of skills and treatment methods.

Manual Therapy: This includes mobalisations, mobalisations with movement, trigger point release, and soft tissue massage
Exercise Rehabilitation: Progressive mobility and strengthening exercises to target areas of weakness or sports specific conditioning
Acupuncture: Some of our therapists offer western acupuncture for conditions such as headaches and back pain.
Education on diagnosis: This is invaluable as it is important that each client learns the reason that they are experiencing their symptoms and what they can do to stop their symptoms.
Biomechanical Assessment: We offer a specialist clinic in the evaluation of how you move.
Bike Fit Clinic: This is a specific assessment for optimising your position on your bike to help relieve pain or an injury.

What should I wear to my appointment?

We recommend that you bring some loose clothing that you are free to move in. This enables your Physiotherapist to see the area of treatment. For issues from the hip down, please bring shorts or leggings. If you have a sports-related injury, please bring the attire that you would wear during these activities.

Private Physiotherapy Cost

Initial Appointment includes an Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation plan: £115 (45 minutes) 10% Off When you book online

Follow Up appointment: £85 (30 minutes)

Private Physiotherapy Using Private Medical Insurance:

We are covered by all major insurance companies. In most cases, you need prior approval from your insurance company. They will provide an authorisation code, and when making your booking, please pass this on to our reception team, as they use this code to bill your insurance company directly.

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We are recognised by most major insurance companies


Private Physiotherapy Axa PP

Private Physiotherapy Cigna Private Physiotherapy Healix Private Physiotherapy BUPA Private Physiotherapy Vitality Private Physiotherapy WPA



Feel Good, Move Well, Be Better

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