Running Gait Analysis | Gait Analysis London
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Running Gait Analysis

Physio Running Gait Analysis & Triathlon Clinic

As a sports injury clinic, we are specialists in gait analysis. The patients we see vary from new runers to recreational and competitive age-group athletes. We pride ourselves on our thorough running gait analysis that provides you with specific
insight into how you run, advice on strength and conditioning, and a tailored running program including specific drills that will be your guide to better running. We see runners for running gait analysis when they have injuries, and also those who are pain-free and want help with their performance or to reduce their risk of future injuries.

What is a Running Gait Analysis?

If you want to improve something you must start by measuring it. Whether you are new to running or want to improve, a running analysis is essential. Analysing your running gait can show you how you run. Do you over-stride? Is your cadence is
optional? Do you lose power through your movement? Do you know what footwear is best for you?

Some people think that they have run a certain way all their life and therefore, it is impossible to change their running gait. This is not the case. While it may take some consistent work over a period of time, you can change your running gait. We will be able to make changes to your running style in the clinic with cues, drills, and mobility or muscle activation exercises. To maintain these changes then takes repetition and practice.

The key advice that we can give you is how to improve impact absorption and the efficiency of your movement. This is what is important to keep you running for longer or running faster, with reduced injury risk. As experienced Physiotherapists, we can also provide you with a strength and conditioning program specific to your needs to help with your goals and that will keep your injury risk to a minimum. Additionally, we can provide you with advice on the best type of footwear for you or if insoles and orthotics would be beneficial for you.

Running Gait Analysis

We always suggest a follow-up session 4-6 weeks after your initial appointment, to review your running gait. We can see if you are maintaining your improved running gait and if there are further improvements that can be made. We have links with local running stores so that we are constantly up to date with the latest running shoe technology and have partnership discounts for you to benefit from.

How do we do a Running Gait Analysis?

In your running gait analysis appointment, we start with getting to know your running history and goals, as well as any present or past injuries that you might have/have had. We will then assess your body for flexibility, strength, core stability,
balance, movement control, and efficiency, before getting you on the treadmill. On the treadmill, we will record you running from two or three camera angles, with a slow-motion recording. From watching you run and from analysing the recordings, we can determine different aspects of your running gait.

 Foot strike: heel, mid or forefoot
 Foot strike position: relative position of foot and ankle to centre of gravity
 Foot movement: pronation, neutral or supination, and what level of support
you need from your shoes or insoles/orthotics.
 Knee and ankle angles: leg muscle and tendon stiffness
 Posture while running: Upper body rotation and angle, hip and pelvis
stability, knee and ankle alignment.
 Cadence and stride length: the rate of your strides and how long they are

From this assessment, we can discuss your personal running style and the pros and cons of different elements of your running gait. We can explain injuries associated with this style for you to be aware, of and how best to avoid them. As well as, what elements of your running gait to work on, that will provide you with the greatest improvements in terms of efficiency and performance.

How much does a Running Gait Analysis cost?

Running Assessment: £115

Running Assessment with Follow-up: £180

Feel Good, Move Well, Be Better

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What do I need to wear/bring to a running gait assessment?

You will be filmed running so you need to be wearing comfortable running clothes. Ideally a contrasting colour between the top and bottom, so movement is easier to see in the video. You should wear or bring with you, your regular running trainers, several if you use more than one. 

What is overstriding?

Overstriding is when the foot strikes the ground far forward from your body’s centre of gravity. This can often be seen by the angle of your shin being less than perpendicular to the ground.

What is cadence?

Cadence is the number of steps that you take per minute, a cumulative number of left and right foot strikes. Low cadence is associated with higher injury risk.

What is over-pronation?

Pronation is the normal movement of the foot when it strikes the ground during walking or running. The movement is a roll from the outer part of the heel to the inner side of the foot and big toe. Over-pronation is when this is excessive in angle and poorly controlled.

What are orthotics?

Orthotics are insoles that can be put into shoes that assist your foot to move more efficiently. They may support the arch of the foot or encourage more effective use of your big toe for example.

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