Orthotics & Insoles Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Flawless
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Category: Orthotics & Insoles



How Do I know if I Need Orthotics for Running?

Orthotics are a form of shoe inserts that can be custom-made, and some orthotics are prefabricated. Their use ranges from providing additional comfort and cushioning to your shoes to influencing your biomechanics. If you are running and getting foot or knee pain, you might need orthotics. Orthotics have been proven effective in treating common running…

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Sesamoiditis Insoles

What is Sesamoiditis? There are two small floating bones on the underside of the big toe known as the sesamoid bones. The function of the sesamoid bones is to act as a pulley for the big toe’s flexor tendons to help propel during the gait cycle. If these bones become overloaded through a sudden increase…

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Over Pronation Insoles

Over pronation is a normal movement of the foot that is required to walk or run. It is notoriously known as a movement that leads to foot, ankle, and knee injuries but that is not always the case. Depending on the force and speed of action i.e. running vs walking, there can be greater pronation…

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