Achilles Tendonitis Home Treatment from a Foot Specialist
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Achilles Tendonitis Home Treatment

James McCormack
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Achilles Tendonitis is one of the most common conditions that cause pain at the back of the heel, which can be debilitating and so painful that you can’t walk. The Achilles Tendon is the largest tendon in our body for a good reason: it needs to absorb up to 9 times our body weight when we run. It’s important to remember that different types of injuries can cause Achilles Tendon pain. This article will provide 5 of the best Achilles Tendonitis Home Treatments. Some of our advice might seem quite basic, but remember that we have seen thousands of Achilles Tendonitis in our clinics. Getting the fundamentals of home treatment correct is essential to recovery.

Achilles Tendonitis Home Treatment

Step 1

Don’t stop your activity levels but consider reducing them. If you have a very painful Achilles Tendonitis that is too painful to walk on, you should reduce your step count and time on your feet but don’t stop walking altogether. Consider short and frequent intervals of walking, such as 4 x 15-minute walks spread evenly throughout the day, which is much more tolerable for your Achilles Tendon than 1 x 60 min of a walk. The same thing can be said for running; if you stop running altogether, it can decondition your Achilles Tendon, which makes eventually returning to running more difficult. Consider reducing your running speed, increasing the intervals between runs and avoiding hill running to reduce your Achilles Tendonitis pain.

Step 2

Buy a heel raise or wear a shoe with a rocker sole. There is now strong evidence to vindicate the use of heel raises for Insertional Achilles Tendonitis and Mid-Portion Achilles Tendinopathy. Place it under the inner sole of your shoe to quickly reduce your pain, and I have written an article on my personal site with recommendations of the best heel raises. You can slowly lower the height of the heel raise as your symptoms improve and transition into a running shoe with a high heel drop.

Step 3

Non-steroidal Antiinflammatories such as Ibuprofen can reduce inflammation and pain in acute Achilles Tendonitis. You should consult your GP to ascertain the correct dosage taken as a course of treatment over 7-10 days can be highly effective. These can be used with ice application to the Achilles Tendon for 10-minute intervals, 3-4 times daily.

Step 4

Achilles Tendonitis braces are equipment that slips onto your foot and ankle like a sleeve with padding on the back and underside of the heel. These are particularly helpful for Acute Achilles Tendonitis and Achilles Tenosynovitis, where the Achilles Tendon becomes hypersensitive to touch. We have provided recommendations for the best Achilles Tendonitis braces in another article.

Step 5

Alternate between impact and non-impact exercise to reduce the strain on your Achilles Tendon. Choosing non-impact activities such as swimming, cycling, and the elliptical can maintain cardiovascular fitness without stressing your Achilles Tendonitis. Depending on the pace you are running, the Achilles Tendon can absorb 3-9 times your body weight, and while it’s important to maintain some level of running to condition your tendon, too much can worsen your symptoms.


Keep in mind that Achilles Tendonitis is a complex condition to treat. While Home Treatment For Achilles Tendonitis can be successful, a physiotherapist’s guidance is essential to recovery for others.

Flawless Physio are specialists in treating foot and ankle conditions such as Achilles Tendonitis and has experts in foot conditions in our clinic in Fulham, South West London. We also run a specialist Biomechanics and Custom Orthotics Service.

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