James McCormack
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Advice Centre

Welcome to the Flawless Physio Advice Centre. In this section you will find helpful information in a range of formats, from blogs and vlogs to links to our YouTube Channel. Our aim is to help you resolve your symptoms, improve your lifestyle and keep you active. Please feel free to share comments on our social media, ask questions, share our information or contact us for help and guidance.

Move Well, Feel Good, Be Better

Best Shoes After 5th Metatarsal Fracture

Today, I will discuss the best shoes to wear after a fifth metatarsal fracture. We will talk through the 3 types of shoes we recommend most often to our patients after they’ve had a fifth metatarsal fracture. Most fractures require a boot. Typically, patients spend four to six weeks in a walker boot before transitioning…

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Posterior Tibial Tendonitis Brace

The function of a Posterior Tibial Tendonitis brace is to offload the Posterior Tibial Tendon so that it is not under as much stress when weight-bearing. Therefore, it helps to reduce pain levels and inflammation within the tendon. When used with the correct shoes and strengthening exercises, a Posterior Tibial Tendonitis brace is an excellent…

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Peroneal Tendonitis Brace

Best Brace for Peroneal Tendonitis The best Peroneal Tendonitis brace should have compression and straps while strong enough to hold the subtalar joint in neutral or slight eversion to reduce the tension on the peroneal tendons. If the brace holds the ankle in slight eversion, it can provide pain relief to Peroneal Tendonitis, reducing inflammation…

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