Victoria Pitcher
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Advice Centre

Welcome to the Flawless Physio Advice Centre. In this section you will find helpful information in a range of formats, from blogs and vlogs to links to our YouTube Channel. Our aim is to help you resolve your symptoms, improve your lifestyle and keep you active. Please feel free to share comments on our social media, ask questions, share our information or contact us for help and guidance.

Move Well, Feel Good, Be Better

Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy

What is a proximal hamstring tendinopathy? Proximal Hamstring Tendinopathy is a common condition that mid to long-distance runners and sprinters encounter. Symptoms usually present during sports, with a gradual onset of pain around your sitting bones. The anatomical name for the “sitting bone” is the ischial tuberosity, which is an important bony protuberance that provides…

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