Kids Insoles
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What are Kid’s Insoles?
Kids Insoles are very similar to insoles for adults in relation to optimising the movement of their feet but the main difference is that Kids Insoles are softer and more cushioned to accommodate the developing foot.
Custom insoles for Kids are insoles that are made to measure. These should be made with a flexible, cushioned shell and they should be made to measure so that they don’t cause blistering, while a biomechanical assessment will help determine the level of support required for a Kid’s insole. This is very important as too little support won’t provide sufficient pain relief, while excess support can lead to the muscles of the feet weakening over time.
We recommend a 3/4 length insole for children as they can have a growth spurt at any moment.
If you want to know more about our assessments, click here, or if you want to learn more about our orthotics, click here.
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Best Kids Insoles: Off-the-Shelf
We recommend the Ailaka Kids Insoles as they are cushioned, and breathable and provide a 3.5cm arch support for flat feet.
James McCormack is a Physical Therapist who specialises in knee, foot & ankle injuries. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Earnings from this are used to create free-to-read content.
When are Kids’ Insoles necessary?
As foot specialists, we often have parents asking us if there is a need for kids’ insoles. Especially those without foot pain who want to reduce the risk of their children developing problems in the future or parents who have foot problems themselves and are worried about their children developing the same issues.
There is a lot of conflicting advice throughout the web on this topic, mainly because there is minimal to no high-quality evidence on the prescription of insoles for children. So let’s discuss the available scientific evidence with some practical applications.
Kids Insoles: No pain, no change!
We know that between the ages of 1 and 5, up to 95% of children haven’t developed arches in their feet. For those above this age category and you notice that they are yet to form an arch, it is essential to keep in mind that if there is no pain or symptoms then there is no need to worry. There is minimal to no evidence that kids’ insoles reduce the risk of pain in the future. In line with this, no evidence suggests that flat feet increase your risk of foot pain.
One keynote can be if your child has a stiff big toe and a flat medial longitudinal arch to their foot. This can be an indicator that biomechanically, they may not be able to load fully through their big toe, and this has the potential to cause pain. In this instance, it is recommended that you see a specialist.
Kids Insoles: Reasons for using kids orthotics in the young adult with flat feet
There is evidence for using orthotics/insoles with children or adolescents above 5 if they have pain. Conditions such as heel pain, arch pain, knee pain, and Achilles pain all have the potential to be helped by the use of an orthotic/insole. We suggest that if your child is experiencing discomfort, you should bring them to see a therapist confirm the source of pain. If applicable, try an off-the-shelf orthotic first, which your therapist can advise you on. If this fails, then a custom insole may be required. To learn more about our custom orthotics, please click here.
Why do Children wear insoles?
Insoles can ease pain, provide extra comfort and improve the foot’s movement through the gait cycle. Children who are older than the age of 5 often wear insoles if they have foot pain. These are often recommended after a consultation with a medical professional.
What is the difference between inserts and insoles?
Shoe inserts are the support that comes inside a shoe. It can be glued or stitched into a shoe or sometimes sit on top of the shoe’s sole. An insole or orthotic is a separate component that can be added to the inside of a shoe for extra comfort or to address biomechanical faults.
Should your size be up for insoles?
In most cases, is it possible to remove the insert that belongs to a shoe? This is replaced with insoles, and there is no need to size up. When it is impossible to remove the insert of the shoe, it is recommended to size up for insoles.
What are the best shoes for toddlers with flat feet?
It is usual for most toddlers to have flat feet up until the age of 5. Therefore, purchasing any specific support shoes for toddlers with flat feet is not recommended. After the age of 5, if they have flat feet and pain, it is recommended to have a consultation with a medical professional such as a podiatrist, to see the best shoes and whether kids’ insoles are required.
How much do Kid’s Custom Insoles Cost?
Biomechanical Assessment: £125
Custom Insoles: £265
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